This section gives some elements on the inner architecture of Velosurf.
Here are the main packages of Velosurf:
velosurf.cache contains the cache (used by the Entity class).
velosurf.context contains all the classes that are to be populated
in Velocity contexts. Some of them are wrappers for internal classes (see the diagram below).
velosurf.model contains the classes that help modelize the data model
as reverse-enginered and specified in the XML configuration file.
velosurf.sql contains all the classes dealing with the database itself
via jdbc.
velosurf.standalone contains a helper class to use Velosurf in
a standalone application. contains the two classes that can be used as
Velocity-tools tools: HttpQueryTool and VelosurfTool.
velosurf.util contains various utilities.
The next diagram shows the dependency relationships between the main classes of Velosurf. It should
be a good introduction for someone willing to browse the api or to dig into the sources.
Some dependencies are not shown to lighten the diagram:
- almost all objects of the
model and context packages use the PooledPreparedStatement class, and many
use the Database class
- the
Database class itself references many classes of the model and context packages
[to be extended]