Uses of Class

Packages that use Entity
velosurf.context Contains all classes that can be accessed from inside a Velocity template. 
velosurf.model Classes linked to the data model : entities, attributes and actions 
velosurf.sql Contains all core classes dealing with the database itself. 
velosurf.util This package gathers miscellanous utility classes. 

Uses of Entity in velosurf.context

Fields in velosurf.context declared as Entity
private  Entity EntityReference.entity
          The wrapped entity.
protected  Entity Instance.entity
          This Instance's Entity.
private  Entity RowIterator.resultEntity
          Resulting entity.

Methods in velosurf.context with parameters of type Entity
 void Instance.initialize(Entity entity)

Constructors in velosurf.context with parameters of type Entity
EntityReference(Entity entity)
          Builds a new EntityReference.
ExternalObjectWrapper(Entity entity, java.lang.Object object)
          Builds a new PlaiObjectWrapper.
Instance(Entity entity)
          Build an empty instance for the given entity.
RowIterator(PooledStatement pooledStatement, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, Entity resultEntity)
          Build a new RowIterator.

Uses of Entity in velosurf.model

Fields in velosurf.model declared as Entity
private  Entity Action.entity
          The entity this action belongs to.
protected  Entity Attribute.entity
          Parent entity.

Methods in velosurf.model that return Entity
 Entity Action.getEntity()
          Gets the parent entity
 Entity Attribute.getEntity()
          Gets the parent entity

Methods in velosurf.model with parameters of type Entity
 ExportedKey Entity.findExportedKey(Entity fkEntity, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fkCols)
          Check for the existence of an exported key with the same columns.
 ImportedKey Entity.findImportedKey(Entity pkEntity, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fkCols)
          Check for the existence of an imported key with the same columns.

Constructors in velosurf.model with parameters of type Entity
Action(java.lang.String name, Entity entity)
Attribute(java.lang.String name, Entity entity)
ExportedKey(java.lang.String name, Entity entity, java.lang.String fkEntity, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fkCols)
          Exported key constructor.
ImportedKey(java.lang.String name, Entity entity, java.lang.String pkEntity, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fkCols)
          Imported key constructor.
Transaction(java.lang.String name, Entity entity)
          Builds a new transaction.

Uses of Entity in velosurf.sql

Fields in velosurf.sql declared as Entity
private  Entity PooledPreparedStatement.entity
          the resulting entity.
private  Entity Database.rootEntity
          Root entity that contains all root attributes and actions.

Fields in velosurf.sql with type parameters of type Entity
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Entity> Database.entities
          Map name->entity.
private static java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Entity>> Database.sharedCatalog
          Shared catalog, to share entities among instances.

Methods in velosurf.sql that return Entity
 Entity Database.getEntity(java.lang.String name)
          Get an existing entity.
 Entity Database.getEntityCreate(java.lang.String name)
          Get a named entity or creeate it if it doesn't exist
 Entity Database.getRootEntity()
          Get root entity.

Methods in velosurf.sql that return types with arguments of type Entity
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Entity> Database.getEntities()
          Entities map getter.

Methods in velosurf.sql with parameters of type Entity
 void Database.addEntity(Entity entity)
          Add a new entity.
private  void ReverseEngineer.addExportedKey(Entity entity, java.lang.String fkSchema, java.lang.String fkTable, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fkCols, java.util.List<java.lang.String> pkCols)
          Add a new exported key.
private  void ReverseEngineer.addImportedKey(Entity entity, java.lang.String pkSchema, java.lang.String pkTable, java.util.List<java.lang.String> pkCols, java.util.List<java.lang.String> fkCols)
          Add a new imported key.
protected  void ReverseEngineer.addTableMatching(java.lang.String tableName, Entity entity)
          add a table <-> entity matching.
private  void ConfigLoader.defineActions(org.jdom.Element parent, Entity entity)
          Define actions.
private  void ConfigLoader.defineAttributes(org.jdom.Element parent, Entity entity)
          Define Velosurf attributes.
private  void ConfigLoader.defineConstraints(org.jdom.Element element, Entity entity)
          Define constraints.
private  void ConfigLoader.defineForeignKeys(org.jdom.Element parent, Entity entity)
          Define foreign keys.
 java.lang.Object PooledPreparedStatement.fetch(java.util.List params, Entity resultEntity)
          get a unique object by id and specify the Entity this object is an Instance of.
 java.lang.Object PooledPreparedStatement.fetch(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> params, Entity resultEntity)
          get a unique object by id and specify the Entity this object is an Instance of.
 java.lang.Object PooledSimpleStatement.fetch(java.lang.String query, Entity resultEntity)
          fetch a single row, specyfing the entity it belongs to.
 RowIterator PooledPreparedStatement.query(java.util.List params, Entity resultEntity)
          get the rowset.
 RowIterator PooledSimpleStatement.query(java.lang.String query, Entity resultEntity)
          get the resultset for this statement, specifying the entity the results belong to.
 RowIterator Database.query(java.lang.String query, Entity entity)
          Issue a query, knowing the resulting entity.
private  void ReverseEngineer.readForeignKeys(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData meta, Entity entity, java.lang.String tableName)
          Read foreign keys.
private  void ReverseEngineer.readTableMetaData(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData meta, Entity entity, java.lang.String tableName)
          Read table meta data.

Uses of Entity in velosurf.util

Fields in velosurf.util with type parameters of type Entity
private  java.util.Map<Entity,java.lang.Long> UserContext.lastInsertedIDs
          map of last inserted IDs

Methods in velosurf.util with parameters of type Entity
 long UserContext.getLastInsertedID(Entity entity)
          Get the last inserted ID for an entity.
 void UserContext.setLastInsertedID(Entity entity, long id)
          Set the last inserted ID for an entity.
