Uses of Package

Packages that use velosurf.web.l10n
velosurf.util This package gathers miscellanous utility classes. 
velosurf.web.auth Contains classes related to authentication. 
velosurf.web.l10n Contains classes related to localization. 

Classes in velosurf.web.l10n used by velosurf.util
          To be implemented by localizers used by the engine to get localized strings from their database id.

Classes in velosurf.web.l10n used by velosurf.web.auth
          To be implemented by localizers used by the engine to get localized strings from their database id.

Classes in velosurf.web.l10n used by velosurf.web.l10n
          This class rely on the "Accepted-Language" HTTP header to detect the appropriate locale to be used.
          To be implemented by localizers used by the engine to get localized strings from their database id.
